$web = Get-SPWeb -Identity "https://yoursharepointsite"
# SPList name
$list = $web.Lists["Daily Service Review"]
$arr = @("Server","Network","Security","Database","Data Movement","Collaboration","Voice","Monitoring","iSeries/pSeries","EUC","DC Operations")
# Iterate for each list column
foreach ($row in $arr)
$item = $list.Items.Add();
$item["DSR Color"] = "Grey";
$item["DSR Letter Grade"] = "-";
$item["Team"] = $row;
The column "DSR Date" is a date column in the SharePoint list that defaults to Today's date.
Additionally, I created a specialized input form in SharePoint that displays only those items where DSR Date is equal to [Today].
In the Site Assets library for the site, I have stored several text files for my code. I use Content Editor Web Parts to add these code snippets to the page. This first piece creates a button for the manager to click on that brings up the view for input of Today's status.
<script type="text/javascript"> function openDialogBox(Url) { var ModalDialogOptions = { url:Url, width: 700, height: 580, showClose: true, allowMaximize: true}; SP.SOD.execute('sp.ui.dialog.js', 'SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog', ModalDialogOptions); } </script> <div><span class="readmore btn-sm btn-default btn" onclick="OpenPopUpPageWithTitle('https://yoursharepointsite/Lists/Daily%20Service%20Review/Daily%20Entry.aspx#InplviewHash1bfbd8dd-82ed-48a8-ab11-ca9cf5039dd3=ShowInGrid%3DTrue',null,null,null,'Daily Service Review');">Enter Daily Service Grades</span> <span class="readmore btn-sm btn-default btn pull-right" onclick="openDialogBox('/yoursharepointsite/_layouts/15/listform.aspx?PageType=8&ListId=%7BD760542B%2D4F0E%2D4D97%2DBACF%2D320F912FCFB4%7D')">Enter Daily Ticket Numbers</span></div>
Clicking this button, pops up a window that will look like this:
Each morning the manager takes input from everyone on the morning call in and enters comments and status for each team. This is saved to the SharePoint list.
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